WaterSAFE™ Endpoint Treatment System
End to end, End-point Water Treatment Systems. Assessment, design, manufacture, installation, service.

Under the Water Services Act 2021 entities who supply their own water, such as schools or rural providers, must comply with new regulations. Read here to find out more.
Under The Act, our WaterSAFE solution is considered to be an ‘acceptable solution’. It is a great option for water supply for less than 500 people and means that a Drinking Water Safety Plan may not be required.
Benefits of the WaterSAFE™ End-point Water Treatment System
- A complete prebuilt plug and play water treatment system that reduces on-site installation time and build costs.
- Negates the need for on-site installers to source and assemble one off specialist componentry.
- Reduced ongoing operational costs with system standardisation for multi-site end users.
- Designed and constructed by industry specialists, using the highest quality water filtration equipment available specifically selected to deliver trouble free end-point treatment for rainwater collection, or for spring / bore supplies.
- Each water treatment system is provided prebuilt, including plumbing and electrical equipment prewired and tested. It requires only connection to your pumped water supply, delivery line and 20 amp power supply.
All components are fixed to a fully labelled mounting panel, making for simple identification and installation, reducing on-site costs. - The WaterSAFE™ range of prebuilt end-point treatment systems are available in a customizable range of configurations to suit all end point applications and flow rates.
A water test is required to determine any additional pre-treatment and/or storage that may be required to ensure system efficacy.
Integrated with Flowgen - Remote Data Control System
- The WaterSAFE™ range end-point treatment systems include an integrated Flowgen – remote operations management system.
This allows cloud-based PC and Mobile App reporting with text or email fault alerts to ensure water safety and to assist with compliance with the Water Services Act obligations.
The end user can securely access real time information from anywhere in the world, giving peace of mind that the system is operating correctly.
The system will alert if any service or maintenance work is required, with the following essential information easily accessible:
• Notification when the water treatment systems pre-filters require cleaning or replacement.
• UV disinfection filter safe operation indication and any fault alerts.
• Water usage reporting and leak detection alerts to enable efficient use of treated water
Purpose of the act
The purpose of the Act is to ensure that drinking water suppliers provide safe drinking water to consumers by:
a. Providing a drinking water regulatory framework that is consistent with internationally accepted best practice, including a duty on drinking water suppliers to
i. Have a drinking water safety plan; and
ii. Comply with legislative requirements (such as drinking water standards) on a consistent basis; and
b. Providing a source water risk management framework that, together with the Resource Management Act 1991, regulations made under that Act, and the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management, enables risks to source water to be properly identified managed, and monitored; and
c. Providing mechanisms that enable the regulation of drinking water to be proportionate to the scale, complexity, and risk profile of each drinking water supply.
The Act has the following additional purposes:
a. To establish a framework to provide transparency about the performance of drinking water, wastewater, and storm water networks and network operators; and
b. To provide mechanisms that build and maintain capability among drinking water suppliers and across the wider water services sector; and
c. To establish a framework for the continuous and progressive improvement of the quality of water services in New Zealand.
The meaning of drinking water supplier in the Act
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, drinking water supplier—
(a) means a person who supplies drinking water through a drinking water supply; and
(b) includes a person who ought reasonably to know that the water they are supplying is or will be used as drinking water; and
(c) includes the owner and the operator of a drinking water supply; and
(d) includes a person described in paragraph (a), (b), or (c) who supplies drinking water to another drinking water supplier; but
(e) does not include a domestic self-supplier.
Are you a water supplier?
If you own or operate a water supply (that you know, or ought reasonably to know) is being used as drinking water by people outside of your own home, you are a Drinking Water Supplier and will have responsibilities under the Water Services Act 2021.
Registration is required by 15th November 2025
– Registration NOT Required
A ‘Domestic Self-Supply’ is a SINGLE HOUSE or DWELLING with its OWN water supply.
If you are a drinking water supplier you’ll need to register with Taumata Arowai by November 2025 and comply by November 2028.
Examples from the Act - Are you a water supplier?
• A single property with tenants on a lease that is supplied by a rainwater tank is a domestic self-supply.
• A single holiday house that is supplied by a rainwater tank and is rented to tourists on a short-term basis is a domestic self-supply.
• A multi-dwelling building (for example, multiple separate apartments contained in a single building) that has its own bore water supply is a water supplier.
• A marae wharekai (dining hall) or community hall that has its own river water supply is a water supplier.
• A café building supplied by a rainwater tank is a water supplier.
Why Choose Our Water Treatment Solutions
Prebuilt plug and play
Reduces on-site installation time and build costs.
Reduced costs
With system standardisation for multi-site end users.
Prewired and tested
It requires only connection to your pumped water supply, delivery line and 20 amp power supply.
Customisable ranges
Available in a customisable range of configurations to suit all end point applications and flow rates.